Our History

In 1948, Mr. Wiley and Lizzie Litchfield hosted prayer meetings in their home located in a small rural community known as Litchfield Community. Those prayer meetings quickly became a revival. Reverend Woodrow Gatlin, pastor of the Bonneau Pentecostal Holiness church, along with some of his church members came to the Litchfield Community to help with revival services. These services were outdoors under a bush arbor, and was a glorious success with many souls being saved, sanctified, and revived. This was just the beginning!

The following year, 1949, Neal Hennent donated land to build a church. Brothers Grover and Thomas Litchfield donated timber from their land while other community residents gave their time, money, and talent to build the first church sanctuary. Rev. Gatlin named the church Hickory Grove Community Church. The church was built for any person of any denomination or background to attend. All were welcome!

On January 21, 1958, Rev. Ernest Cooper presided over a meeting to organize Hickory Grove into the Pentecostal Holiness Church denomination. There were 10 charter members, and the church’s name was changed to Hickory Grove Pentecostal Holiness Church.

After a few years, Rev. Gatlin resigned to pastor another church resulting in a declining attendance. In some Sunday services, the only people attending were Mrs. Lenora Mitchum and Mrs. Susie Litchfield, who sang songs and prayed. Without these saints, the church would have closed. Praise God for their faithfulness!

God continued to bless Hickory Grove. In 1962, the church expanded to provide more space for its members and visitors. In 1965, Thomas and Rosa Lee Mitchum donated 1.5 acres of land for a cemetery. In 1967, a new fellowship building was completed. In January 15, 1974, a new church sanctuary was completed.

In December 1995, Rev. Reginald Thames, Jr. was elected Pastor and as the church continued to increase in number, a new fellowship building was built in 2006. After 20 years of dedicated service, Rev. Thames stepped down as Senior Pastor on August 3, 2015 due to health conditions.

Rev. Douglas Cooper was elected as pastor November 8, 2015. Under his leadership and by God’s grace a new church sanctuary was completed in 2020. The old church building was renovated and converted into rooms for the Sunday School department and various other youth programs."

Through the years, God has proven His faithfulness to Hickory Grove. We have had many wonderful pastors and servants demonstrate the true love of Christ. What the Lord began in 1948 will continue. Whatever the future holds…we will give the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ who began this wonderful work.