Children's Ministries

Children and families are vital to our church and the Kingdom of God.  Jesus made this known in Matthew 19:14, “But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.'”

Nursery - Ages 0 - 3

The nursery is available during both our Sunday morning service and Wednesday evening classes. Parents are welcome to drop their children off before and during service times and can be confident they will be cared for and loved.

Children's Church - Ages 4 - 10 

On Sundays, Children are dismissed to Children's Church immediately following family worship, where they will sing, learn a Bible lesson, and do crafts. Any parent or guardian that prefers for their child to remain with them in the sanctuary is free to do so.
Children's Church
Girl's Ministry

Girl's Ministry - Grades K - 7

Girl's Ministry meets Wednesday nights at 7:30 following worship service..
Our goal is to win girls to Jesus Christ, disciple them and make imprints with eternal significance.
The imprint of today’s society on young and vulnerable girls can be devastating. Only God can turn devastation into beautiful testimonies.

Boy's Ministry - Grades K - 7

We use a mentoring program that pours into our boys as they grow to become men. We strive to build Christ-like character and instill a sense of servant leadership in a highly relational and fun environment.
Boy's Ministry